On Route 66, there are locations that are a must for travelers. A must-see. A must-do. A must-visit. The Corner in Winslow, AZ, is one of those must-do locations. We arrived at our RV Park, Meteor Crater RV, shortly after 1:00 pm. It was a short drive, around 148 miles. The wind had finally died down, so cruising Hwy 40 was easy and light. It amazes me how the scenery can change quickly just by crossing a state line. Gallup, New Mexico, was a small town surrounded by hills, then traversing into Arizona, the landscape changed to show off the Arizona red rocks and rolling landscape. We started our Route 66 journey in Fanning, MO. Each stop along the route has been special and unique in its own way, but it was Winslow, AZ, I was most looking forward too. Maybe it was from growing up on The Eagles' music and listening to the song “Takin’ An Easy?" Maybe, it was years of hearing about The Corner? No matter the reason, it was the place I was most looking forward too. I did not know what to expect? I have found most of the locations on the route do not match my exceptions — some exceed them, others not so much. Winslow not only exceeded, it surpassed the images I had seen online. Once you arrive in downtown Winslow, The Corner is hard to miss. Just look for the LARGE Route 66 symbol on the street and the crowds of people standing on the corner with their cameras. When it comes to this small town, the LARGE Route 66 symbol gives the impression of Larger than life. And to this day, Winslow is still one of the most impressive locations on the route. I jumped out of the truck and parked myself on the corner, waiting patiently for my husband to do the get-your-vehicle-photo-with-the-LARGE-Route-66-symbol. We were fortunate that traffic had lightened up. He then parked so we could explore. The downtown itself is not very large, making it an easy town to walk. Since, it was evening, most of the shops were closed. We did The Corner selfie, then found a delicious place to enjoy dinner, the RelicRoad Brewing Company. We met a couple, also full-time RVing in their schoolie bus, and spent an hour comparing notes.
This must-stop location is a must-do and a favored tradition on Route 66. It is one of the highlights when taking the Ultimate Road Trip on The Mother Road. Enjoy!
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October 2023